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It’s Time To Get Your Hands On 80 Day Obsession


It’s Time To Get Your Hands On 80 Day Obsession

It’s Time To Get Your Hands On

80 Day Obsession


The clock is counting down and I am so excited for you to be able to experience 80 Day Obsession!! This program isn’t about being obsessed with working out – it’s about seeing YOURSELF as a priority. Your family, your friends, and everyone else around you will be happiest if YOU are happy and take some time to care for yourself. I am absolutely hands down so excited for this program to be released.  I know it’s going to transform your mind, your body and you are going to realize that you ARE capable of getting results.

Here’s a little reminder in case you forgot what

80 Day Obsession is all about!

  • Autumn really breaks it down with this program. It focuses on your abs and booty, and let me tell you, IT WORKS! If you have weight to lose you are going to shed lbs, build lean muscle and tone your entire body.

  • There are 3 phases of workouts over the course of 13 weeks. In total there are 97 days of workouts because you get Sundays off as a rest day.

  • The workouts range from 45-60 minutes, and as always, there is a modifier.

  • Autumn introduces timed nutrition, which is a Macro-nutrient plan that is timed to produce amazing results. Here's a little more info. on that.

The Workouts

You will feel like you have your own personal trainer!

Honestly, it feels as if you are working out in a group class with a world-class fitness trainer. Autumn is on point with her cueing, her explanation of the moves, and her motivation!

Each month progressively gets tougher as you get stronger—you're not doing the same workouts 7 days/week on repeat. Autumn progresses you through the program as if she were personally working with you through those 80 days... just like she would if you hired her as a personal trainer.

Seriously, it's like you're getting over $11,000 worth of personal training from Autumn for under $500!!

Obsession Meal Plan

With 80 Day Obsession, the Portion Fix System containers are used, but this program utilizes a timed macronutrient program.  It tells you what to eat WHEN – taking the guesswork out.  Like the 21 Day Fix, you’ll do a quick calorie calculation to find out which bracket you fall into.  However, with 80 Day Obsession you’ll be eating the proper macronutrients to fuel your body what it needs at just the right time.  You’ll get a pre-workout and post-workout meal. For example, for breakfast your bracket may say you need one green, one red and one blue.  This truly will maximize getting the right nutrients into your system to optimize performance and muscle growth and recovery.  BONUS – you also get a “refeed” day.  That’s when the nutrition plan gets a bump up in carbs… all to add to those glycogen stores.  You’ll do it on a leg day, and the first one happens at 6 weeks.  Then, “refeed” days happen every few weeks after that.

Equipment Needed for 80 Day Obsession

For 80 Day Obsession, you’ll need weights, resistance loops and sliders.  If you've done PiYo, you probably already have the sliders. 

This program is good for:

  • Those that want a leaner, firmer, more sculpted body

  • Anyone who wants a tighter, more defined booty and flatter abs

  • Fitness fans looking for an intense, holistic workout that they can do at home

  • Fill out the application at the bottom of this post to RESERVE YOUR SPOT!

Reserve Your Spot In My Beta 80 Day Obsession

Group TODAY!

I am really excited to be able to guide you through the program from start to finish. I can hop on a call with you if you’d like to discuss this program further to see if this is right for you. If you are ready to reserve your spot in my 80 Day Obsession group – complete the application at the end of this blog post to apply. This will begin January 15th.

In this group each participant MUST commit to:

-Showing up daily and participating.

-Following the timed nutrition plan for your body type and goals.

-Replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology for the duration of the group.

**highly recommended but optional is the Performance line supplements.

– I must be your assigned coach.

This is a BETA TEST GROUP which means you will be the FIRST to go through the program!  You have the opportunity to win $500 for completing the program and submitting your results plus you have the opportunity to become a Beachbody Challenge Winner and earn additional money for your transformation.  I am looking for people that are seriously committed to rocking this program and your results.  We will START on the 8th of January with our prep week and then on the 15th of January with day 1.

What Are The Package Options?

If you are a NEW customer....

Mega Challenge Pack (BEST VALUE)


The only way to get the best results is to feed your body with the best fuel you can give it. This challenge pack includes everything you need for the entire duration of the program – plus you save $275.  I will be honest…. if you are wondering why you need the performance line- I will tell you this.  You will be SORE, you will want to refuel with the Beachbody performance line because they are QUALITY supplements, they work wonders and they will give you FUEL before your workout and they will replenish afterwards to maximize your results!  Definitely worth every single penny!  I drink energize when I do intense workouts 15 minutes before I press play and it really does give me a nice little boost to be able to crush my workout without the jitters! After your workout, within an hour of finishing, drink recover which helps to EASE sore muscles, replenish what was broken down during the intense workout and get ready for the next one tomorrow!!!

Mega Challenge pack - new customer.png

This includes:

  • Shakeology on Home Direct

  • 2 tubs of Energize

  • 4 tubs of Recover (orange or chocolate flavor)

  • 2 sets of resistance bands

  • Sliders and booties

  • Portion Fix system

  • Shaker cup

  • Intro guide & calendar

  • 1 year subscription to Beachbody on Demand which includes 80 Day Obsession program & all other Beachbody Fitness Programs & nutrition guides.


Combo Challenge Pack


Are you ready to get this party started? This challenge pack includes everything you need to start out the program. And you save $200!  The difference in this challenge pack and the one above is that you get  to try energize and recover for 30 days in this pack vs. having enough for the entire program.

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This includes:

  • Shakeology on Home Direct

  • 1 tub of Energize

  • 1 tub of Recover (orange or chocolate flavor)

  • 2 sets of resistance bands

  • Sliders and booties

  • Portion Fix system

  • Shaker cup

  • Intro guide & calendar

  • 1 year subscription to Beachbody on Demand

Base Challenge Pack


Are you ready to commit? This challenge pack includes the basics so you have what you need to start the program. The difference in this package is you pick EITHER Shakeology OR the Energize and Recover supplements.

Base challenge pack-NEWCUSTOMERS.jpg

This includes:

  • Shakeology HD OR the Performance Stack HD

  • 2 sets of resistance bands

  • Sliders and booties

  • Portion Fix system

  • Shaker cup

  • Intro guide & calendar

  • 1 year subscription to Beachbody on Demand

If you are a current BOD (Beachbody on Demand) customer but are not on Shakeology....

Mega Completion Pack


This is the mother of all packages! It seriously offers the best value. You get everything you need for the program (assuming you already have BOD) AND you save $205.  If you are about to expire your Beachbody ON Demand or you don’t have it—>  Check the packages above!!!

Mega challenge pack - existing BOD customers.png

This includes:

  • Shakeology on Home Direct

  • 2 tubs of Energize

  • 4 tubs of Recover (orange or chocolate flavor)

  • 2 sets of resistance bands

  • Sliders and booties

  • Portion Fix system

  • Shaker cup

  • Intro guide & calendar

Combo Completion Pack


Are you ready to get re-engaged? Then this package is for you. Save $130 and get ready for 80 days of obsession!!

combo challenge pack - existing BOD customers.png

This includes:

  • Shakeology on Home Direct

  • 1 tub of Energize

  • 1 tub of Recover (orange or chocolate flavor)

  • 2 sets of resistance bands

  • Sliders and booties

  • Portion Fix system

  • Shaker cup

  • Intro guide & calendar

Base Completion Pack


This challenge pack includes the basics so you have what you need to start the program. The difference in this package is you pick EITHER Shakeology OR the Performance stack which comes with both Energize and Recover. 

Base completion pack-BOD members.jpg

This includes:

  • Your choice of Shakeology HD OR the Performance Stack (Energize & Recover)

  • 2 sets of resistance bands

  • Sliders and booties

  • Portion Fix system

  • Shaker cup

  • Intro guide & calendar


If you are a current Customer or Coach AND on Shakeology HD and BOD

The ROCKSTAR -- Program Accessories and Performance Pack


($259.50 for COACHES)

  • 2 tubs of Energize

  • 4 tubs of Recover (orange or chocolate flavor)

  • 2 sets of resistance bands

  • Sliders and booties

  • Portion Fix system

  • Shaker cup

  • Intro guide & calendar


THE BASIC Accessories Pack


($37.46 for COACHES)

The basic
  • 2 sets of resistance bands

  • Sliders and booties

  • Portion Fix system

  • Intro guide & calendar


And a special bonus…

Beachbody is offering a pre-launch discount! If you order your 80 Day Obsession challenge pack between December 14th and January 14th, you’ll automatically get $10 off! ALSO, any coach (working or discount) who places their order for either the ROCKSTAR -- Program Accessories and Performance Pack or the Basic will receive access to the exclusive Coach Test group on Facebook with Autumn Calabrese!! Email me at for ordering instructions.

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I Am Interested In The 80 Day Obsession

Complete this form if you are interested in getting more information on the 80 Day Obsession program and challenge that begins January 15th.

