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Christie Markfeld-Web-0059.jpg

Boot Camps


Boot Camps

Do you start a new health or fitness routine full of excitement and then stop? I have tried many different “diets” in the past but nothing ever taught me how to eat in a sustainable way for the rest of my life (until now).  I used to be that girl with a gym membership who would go, workout HARD but not have the proper guidance when it came to my nutrition so I NEVER saw the results I wanted. That’s because I had no idea how to fuel my body with proper nutrition. I learned that you truly cannot out train a bad diet.

I thought I was eating healthy but I learned that I really wasn’t. I am not going to teach you a new “diet.” I am going to teach you how to nourish your body for the rest of your life.

If you have tried lots of “quick fixes” and nothing has stuck, I am here to tell you that I won’t stop until YOU have success.

Every month I run bootcamps to help you reach your goals! Workouts vary from 20-45 minutes a day (depending on the program that you and I feel would work best for your lifestyle) and I teach you everything there is to know about clean eating. I will have you follow an eating plan and will provide you with daily accountability, motivation, recipes, tips, and anything else you may need for SUCCESS! My clients have access to me and the online accountability group 7 days a week so there is no need to wait if you have questions or need support.

Common Questions: 

  1. Do I need a gym? NOPE! All the workouts can be done from the comfort of your home. You can use the gym if that’s what you prefer but it’s certainly not required.

  2. Do I have to show anyone pictures? NOPE! You only share what you are comfortable sharing

  3. What if I can’t keep up? Every workout program I offer has a modifier available so that anyone can modify at any time.

  4. What can I expect for results? Results vary from each person depending on how much they stick to the program. Most of my challengers average a 6-15 pound weight loss and lose several inches in the first 3 weeks. The more you stick to the plan I provide for you, the better your results!!

If this sounds like something you would like to do, you can fill out the Bootcamp Application and I will get back to you within 24 hours OR you can complete your order now so you can get started right away!