Weight Loss and Wellness Course

for Women over 45

I know it’s been a long time since I’ve posted and I wanted to share why before moving on to some exciting news that can help you reach your health goals in 2020. (If you just want to know about this new course, scroll down)

Looking back on 2019, I would say the word to define last year would be “change.” I took a big step back from coaching and running challenges for a few different reasons. To be honest, one was burnout. I had not been good about setting boundaries and office hours for my business and coaching slowly took over. I realized I needed a break. I think it’s important for all of us to do what feels right. So, for me, 2019 was about stepping back. I stopped posting on my business social media for the most part and I stopped running challenges each month. I also had a lot of things going on in our family that I wanted to focus on. Both kids were graduating, both were moving to new cities and then my husband and I made the transition to “empty nesters.” I wanted to completely enjoy all these exciting milestones and changes. 

Night Sweats

In the midst of all this I was having a hard time regulating my hormones. I was going through perimenopause and found a doctor (thanks to a friend) who put me on bioidentical hormones to help me with the night sweats that were preventing me from sleeping. Before that I looked like the picture to the right! The hormones helped with the night sweats but I was still experiencing other issues related to this stage of life. In addition to that, my husband had a heart scan and found out he has coronary artery disease. Although we already eat a “clean” diet, I felt we needed to make some changes but I wasn’t sure what...yet. 

I’ve been praying a lot about what my next step should be and then I saw a post in the fall from my friend and nutritionist, Kelly Nentwich. Her post said this Weight Loss and Wellness Course for Women over 45 addressed hormone issues and I decided to sign up. One thing I want to briefly mention is that when you know Kelly’s story about how she was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and bedridden most days, it’s incredible to look at her now because you would never know she had been so sick.

During the 5 week course, Kelly showed us how to transition to a whole food, plant based diet and she not only showed us HOW, she shared WHY. That was the game changer for me. She wasn’t just sharing her opinion. She shared videos, podcasts and scientific studies that have been done on large populations for long periods of time.

I loved how each week we were given one thing to implement so none of this felt overwhelming. I have eaten plant based in the past but never stuck to it. I have done the 3 week Beachbody program called The Ultimate Reset twice which transitions you to eating a plant based diet and both times I felt incredible at the end. (You can read my blog post about that here) So, why did I stop? I don’t have a good answer but deep down, I always knew this is the healthiest way to eat. I’ve read the books the China Study and the Blue Zones which talks about the diet of those who are the healthiest and longest-lived people on earth. I’ve watched the documentaries the Game Changers and Forks Over Knives on Netflix. Being equipped with the knowledge from the course really made a difference! I was able to continue to eat a whole food, plant based diet when the course ended and I feel so good.

Although I help women lose weight, my primary objective has been, and always will be, long term health and vitality. I found out Kelly had a coaching program and I decided to join her team! I’m excited to be able to link arms with her and help more women learn and implement a whole food, plant based diet. I will now be able to offer this course to my clients! (Please note..…..I will still be doing Beachbody coaching as well)

The Weight Loss and Wellness Course

for Women over 45

Weight loss and wellness course

The Weight Loss and Wellness Course for Women over 45 (the same course I took) will be opening registration January 16th.

Come learn what over 200 women have already learned and applied. During the 5-week online course you will learn how to burn fat naturally, boost your energy, sleep better, stop hot flashes and help those achy joints during perimenopause and menopause. This course is customized for women in midlife and what our bodies are experiencing. You can finally learn how to stop suffering through this stage of life.

Registration reopens on 1/16 and I’d love to have you join me.

Feel free to email me at cmarkfeld@gmail.com if you have questions. 
